Terps Raising Pups are University of Maryland students willing to offer a large part of their time towards raising or sitting puppies that will go on to change someone's life. All students are volunteers. Classes are offered by Guide Dog Foundation not the University of Maryland; meaning you will not receive any academic credit
Our group started with one pup on campus in September 2016. We now have close to 30 pups at UMD and more that have found their careers. This makes us GDF’s second biggest college program and we couldn’t be more thankful for the support we’ve received from University of Maryland and the Washington DC area GDF group. .
Why we Volunteer
When you raise a puppy through the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, that puppy will help somebody else live a life without boundaries as well as change your own life.
There is nothing like that moment when something that you and your dog have been working really hard for finally clicks. Even better is the pride you feel when that puppy graduates and goes on to fulfill their purpose.
So many of our handlers are repeat puppy raisers because once you raise one you can't imagine not raising another.
In the News
In the News

WBAL-TV Highlights University of Maryland Student Puppy Raisers

WBAL-TV Covers our University of Maryland Puppy Raising Program

Camden and Future Guide Dog Puppies Visit Naval Museum